Truman R. Lord is a World War II Missing In Action (MIA) 2LT whose name is engraved on the Tablets of the Missing at the American Cemetery and Memorial Margraten in the Netherlands. His name is adopted by the Stichting Missing In Action (MIA) board.

General information on Lord, Truman R., ASN: O768605:

Name: Truman Ray Lord
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant (2LT)
Service number: O-768605
Status: Missing in action (MIA)
Missing since: October 11, 1944
Unit: 358th Bomber Squadron
303rd Bomber Group, Heavy
Commemorated:   Tablets of the missing
Netherlands Margraten
U.S. Cemetery and Memorial
Adopted by: Stichting Missing In Action (MIA) board


 Missing (MIA) 2LT Truman Ray Lord - O-768605.


Missing (MIA) 2LT Truman Ray Lord. Tablets of the Missing at Margraten, Netherlands.


Missing (MIA) 2LT Truman Ray Lord and his B17G crew.

2LT Truman R. Lord Crew - 358th BS - September 6, 1944


Backrow left to right
SGT. Bernard A. Winiger (Engineer - KIA)
SGT. Robert H. Brown* (Waist Gunner - POW)
SGT. Earl G. Hatfield (Radio Operator - KIA)
SGT. William H. Ferguson (Tail Gunner - POW)
SGT. Armin Weiss (Ball Turret Gunner - KIA)
SGT. Oscar D. Stephenson, Jr. (Waist Gunner)


Frontrow left to right
2LT. Truman R. Lord (Pilot - KIA)
2LT. Clifton N. Phillips (Co-Pilot - KIA)
2LT. Arvid Anderson (Navigator - POW)
2LT. Arthur F. Ruiz (Bombardier - KIA)
* Not original crewmember on September 6, 1944


Aircraft was last sighted or contacted at 50º50' - 07º00'E. It was hit by intense and extremely acurate Anti Aircraft gunfire and received a direct hit, pulled engine #1 and #2. There was smoke immidiately. Aircraft pulled to the left and went down in a steep dive. It exploded in mid air at approx. 15,000 ft.
Three chutes were seen at time the aircraft exploded as if men blown out of the aircraft. These chutes opened at the same time and almost immidiately.
The aircraft crashed at 10:17 on October 11, 1944 on the Training Center Wahn in direction to Altherath. The aircraft had 98% damage.


Aircraft Data:
Serialnumber: 43-38200
Type: B-17G
Destination: Wesseling, Germany
Mission: Bombing
Mission Report #255
Missing Air Crew Report (MACR): 9564