January 02, 2010;

There is a message in the mailbox from a Mr. Bas Nobel. He is a amateur archeologist and found a nametag with his metal detector. The identification tag is found near Rucphen (Netherlands).
The nametag contains the following information;

Walter D. Meredith   
35614500 T42-43 a 

The question is whether we are able to do something with this tag and find out the status of this individual. On the Internet, we quickly find information;


Name:  Walter D. Meredith 
Rank:  Private (PVT.) 
Servicenumber: 35.614.500 
Died: October 23, 1965
Buried at:  Green Lawn Cemetery
Columbus, Ohio 


This person is not recorded as missing in action. We will try find if any relatives of Mr. Merideth can be found.


January 23, 2010;

Unfortunately we are not able to find any relatives of Private Walter D. Merideth.
Case Closed.

Stichting Missing In Action (MIA) appreciates that Mr. Nobel contacted the foundation when he found the identification tag. Mr. Nobel, who found the tag of Private Merideth has made the right decision, although the soldier wasn’t reported missing. The foundation appreciates Mr. Nobel’s decision and expressed its appreciation to him. We hope that many will follow his example.